Hello and welcome to my website!
I’m Adam Mounsey – a qualified and experienced linguist and translator. Originally from the United Kingdom and a native English speaker, I have been based in Oldenburg (Germany) since 2014. With a Master’s degree in Professional Translation and a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages, as well as continuous professional development in the form of webinars since starting life as a full-time translator in 2014, I have the skills and experience to provide high-quality translation, editing and proofreading services for local, national and international clients.
How can I help you?
My goal is to contribute towards your company’s success by providing accurate translation, editing and proofreading services that take the intended reader into account. After all, the translation process is about so much more than just translating a text word by word. That’s why I make sure that the style and register of the translation enable your message to be successfully communicated to your target audience. I pay attention to detail and always produce precise and clear translations that meet clients’ needs and deadlines.
Below you will find an overview of what I can offer you, and please click on the respective links to find out more…
Wir freuen uns, in Adam einen guten und zuverlässigen Übersetzer gefunden zu haben. Die Übersetzungen werden stets qualitätsbewusst und termintreu abgewickelt. Anforderungen bzgl. Terminologie und Sprachstil setzt Adam gewissenhaft um. Der Umgang ist immer sehr professionell, nett und unkompliziert. Wir bedanken uns und freuen uns auf die weiterhin gute Zusammenarbeit!
Sarah Manetti
Supplier Manager, 2W GmbH
We are delighted to have found a great and reliable translator in Adam. His translations are always of good quality and delivered on time. Adam conscientiously implements requirements with regard to terminology and language style. He is always very professional, friendly and uncomplicated. We would like to thank you and look forward to continuing our great collaboration!
Ik laat u hierbij weten dat Adam Mounsey sinds 2016 tot onze volle tevredenheid als freelance vertaler voor Presence-TVCN werkt. Hij verzorgt voor ons vertalingen van het Nederlands/Duits naar het Engels. We hebben Adam leren kennen als een betrouwbare, professionele en ervaren vertaler.
Kelly Roebroeks
Project Manager, Presence-TVCN
Since 2016, Mr. Adam Mounsey has been working as a freelance translator for Presence-TVCN. He provides translations for us from Dutch/German to English in various domains. We have come to know Adam as a very reliable, professional and experienced translator.
Adam ist bereits seit 2017 unsere 1. Wahl für technische Fachübersetzungen ins Englische und gehört fast schon zur Familie. Wir schätzen den angenehmen Kontakt, Adams rasche Reaktionszeiten und natürlich seine fachliche Kompetenz. Immer wieder gern!
Andrea Pätzelt
Language Specialist, Sprachenwerft GmbH
Adam has been our first choice for technical translations into English since 2017 and is almost a member of the family. We really appreciate the friendly communication, Adam's quick response times and, of course, his professional expertise. It’s always a pleasure!
Adam Mounsey liefert Übersetzungen anspruchsvoller Texte aus Technik und Marketing in höchster Qualität. Als Projektmanagerin arbeite ich mit Adam nun schon seit einigen Jahre sehr gerne zusammen und schätze neben seiner sprachlichen und fachlichen Kompetenz seine Flexibilität und Verlässlichkeit!
Marieluise Steinecker
Project Manager, GORNIK translators for industry GmbH
Adam Mounsey delivers translations of complicated and challenging technical and marketing texts in the highest quality. As a project manager, I have enjoyed working with Adam for several years now and appreciate not only his linguistic and technical expertise but also his flexibility and reliability!
Wir arbeiten mit Herrn Mounsey seit 2017 regelmäßig zusammen. Er ist u.a. Stammübersetzer für einen unserer Großkunden, einen Technologieführer im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Wir schätzen an der Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Mounsey seine kurzen Reaktionszeiten und außerordentlich pünktlichen Lieferungen, die Flexibilität und vor allem die hochwertige Übersetzungsqualität unter Einhaltung aller Vorgaben.
Deutschland (Top 15 in Westeuropa laut Common Sense Advisory Ranking 2019)
We have been working with Mr. Mounsey on a regular basis since 2017. Among other things, he is our main translator for one of our major customers, a technological leader in mechanical and plant engineering. The things we appreciate about working with Mr. Mounsey are his quick response times and extraordinarily punctual deliveries, his flexibility and, above all, the high quality of his translations, which meet all requirements.